Archbishop Dolan Wins 60 Minutes, Pope Consecrates Church in "Little Hell", and much more.

The Best in Catholic Blogging

If This is Fasting, Bring on Almsgiving! - Reginaldus, New Theological Movement

UK: The Cabinet of Deceit, Hidden Tabernacle During Persecution - Richard Collins, Linen on the Hedgerow

Two Processions in God - Stacy Trasancos, Accepting Abundance

US: Archbishop Timothy Dolan Wins 60 Minutes - Tom Crowe, Catholic Vote

Pope Benedict Consecrates New Church in “Little Hell” - Tancred, The Eponymous Flower

The Miracle of the Sun Symbolizes the Mysteries of the Rosary - Taylor Marshall, Canterbury Tales

If God is All Powerful Then How Are We Free & Why is There Evil? - Monsignor Charles Pope, Archdiocese of Washington DC

Choose Your Measure Carefully - Father Philip Neri Powell O.P. Ph.D., Domine da mihi hanc aquam!

Psalm 6/1: An Introduction - Kate Edwards, Australia Incognita

Prophetic, Priestly, & Kingly (Illegal Immigration) - Robert Royal, The Catholic Thing

New Translation Monday:  The Roman Canon, Part II (Memento, Domine) - Jake Tawney, Roma locuta est

Another Ordinary Summer - Stephen P. White, First Things/On The Square

This will be a continuing series, Monday through Saturday twice a day, that I will be contributing for the National Catholic Register by