After the Desert, Breaking Bad Liturgical Habits, Moral Economics 101, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

After the Desert: A Faithful Catholic’s Reflection on Same-Sex Attraction - Steve Gershom, Our Sunday Visitor

Breaking Bad Liturgical Habits - George Weigel, First Things/On the Square

Moral Economics 101 - Anna Williams,

The United Nations and Human Life Issues - The Motely Monk, The American Catholic

SSPX Superiors Unanimously Agreed to Reject Vatican’s Doctrinal Preamble - Cranmer

A Misguiding Note from the Vatican - Fr. Michael P. Orsi, Crisis Magazine

Justice & Peace. . . and the Financial Crisis - George J. Marlin, The Catholic Thing

Following “The Way” - Matthew A. Rarey, Catholic World Report

The Utilitarian Temptation - Melanie Baker, HLI America

Sexy in Context Is Holy - Lisa Mladinich, Patheos/Be An Amazing Catechist

Staying Ready - Fr. John Bartunek, Catholic Spiritual Direction

Obama Appointees Denied USCCB Grant - Thomas Peters, Catholic Vote/American Papist

Our God King. . . - Mark Shea, Patheos/Catholic and Enjoying It!

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