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The Best in Catholic Blogging

Top Ten Ways to Have a Catholic Halloween - Taylor Marshall, Canterbury Tales

Lodovico da Viadana - Jeffrey A. Tucker, The Chant Café

Hollywood Prepares for a New Era of Biblical Epics (video) - Catholic Herald

Back to Black and Mind Your Beeswax: An Annual Call - Jake Tawney, Roma locuta est

“Make a Concerted Effort to Silence the Noise in Your Life” - Carl Olson, Ignatius Insight Scoop

How can I Pray when I can’t even Think Straight? - Dan Burke, Catholic Spiritual Direction

Virgin Mary Nitelite - Bonnie Engstrom,

The Ambition of a Priest Desiring to Become a Bishop - Fr. Ryan Erlenbush, New Theological Movement

Shakespeare, Resentment, Self-Education & Thieves - Elizabeth Scalia, Patheos/The Anchoress

 Bishops Raise Alarm: Catholic Freedoms Under Attack - Tom Hoopes, Catholic Vote

An Important Thing To Remember About Subsidiarity - Lisa Graas, The American Catholic

Domenico Giani: The Man in the Vatican who Never Sleeps - Richard Collins, Linen on the Hedgerow

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