Restraining Order On Jesus

Our society is very protective of children. Certain persons have been deemed too dangerous to be allowed near public schools. Unfortunately, at the top of that list is Jesus. Actually, Jesus has long been banned from schools. But now there’s a growing list of locations where Jesus is not welcome.

With the recent hyperventilation of the pundit class at Brit Hume’s mention of Jesus, I’m thinking it’s time secularists just put a restraining order on Jesus. Why not? It’s getting too confusing to remember where Jesus is allowed and where He’s not. So here’s a list of places where Jesus or any mention of Jesus is definitely verboten. Hospital rooms, doctor’s offices, pharmacies, House of Representatives, Senate, and the White House, anywhere on television (ask Brit Hume), public schools, any government office, and of course the offices of the ACLU.

And now you even hear people complaining that Jesus doesn’t belong in certain rooms in their house.

1) The bedroom. Obviously. Jesus and his teachings can have full sway on most rooms of the house but not the bedroom. That’s private and concerns nobody else except the consenting adults/pets/strangers/neighbor’s wife who happen to be in there.

2) The kitchen. While the Church says no eating meat on Fridays what difference does it make to anyone if you throw a little pepperoni on your pizza. Or if you eat an hour before Mass. God should just be grateful you’re going at all, right?

3) The TV Room. Well, duh! Sure you like living as a Christian (for the most part) That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to watch Sex and the City. And so what if the kids are watching Desperate Housewives? They’re quiet!

That leaves Jesus full sway over hallways and bathrooms. And hey, square footage wise that leaves Him a lot of space.

I think we should be less concerned about where we’ll allow Jesus and more on where He will allow us. Perhaps if we don’t allow Jesus into the rooms in our house He might not prepare a room for us in His Father’s house.