Results from Tag: 'July 22 - August 4, 2007'

Martha and Me

In time for the July 29 feast of St. Martha, patron of cooks, Amy Smith considers how the kitchen can be a place of great grace.

40 Days for Life

It’s been local for a few years, but the 40 Days for Life campaign, aimed at saving the lives of the unborn, will go national this fall.

New Hopes for the Old Mass

People who have been attending the Tridentine Mass for years are welcoming Summorum Pontificum, the Pope’s letter extending permission to celebrate that Mass.

‘We Are Very Happy’

The leader of the Society of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay, says the Pope’s motu proprio extending permission for the older form of the Latin Mass is important not only for Lefebvrites, but for the whole Church.