Results from Tag: 'jesuit'
Jesuit Scholar: Seeking to Defend Islam at All Costs Is Betraying the Truth
In an interview with the Register, Egyptian Greek Melkite Jesuit Father Henri Boulad explains why he believes Islamist terrorists are applying what their religion teaches them, and why the Church fails to address this because she has fallen prey to a leftist ideology that is destroying the West.
Father Daniel Berrigan Found Fame in the Pursuit of Justice
COMMENTARY: The controversial Jesuit who recently died at age 94 was one of the prominent leaders of the anti-Vietnam War and pacifist movements in the Church in the United States.
Same-Sex 'Marriage' and Ireland, Women and Religious Vocations, and More!
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The Hazards of Creationism, A Day with Carmel Nuns, Strength from Solidarity and Much More!
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Heroic Priesthood: Seminarians Talk About the Demands and Joy; Abortion and Torture and More!
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Reasons Why Your Child Needs a Catholic Pediatrician, Enduring His Wife's Addiction and More!
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