Tabernacle of Chilean Church Desecrated
In his statement, the rector lamented ‘the sad and painful news’ and asked the faithful to join in prayers of reparation.
In his statement, the rector lamented ‘the sad and painful news’ and asked the faithful to join in prayers of reparation.
Bishop González said what is at risk is that fundamental rights, which today are enshrined in the current constitution, could end up being “very poorly configured or insufficiently assured.”
The decision was issued without the possibility to appeal, the Vatican announced Oct. 13.
The Archdiocese of Santiago has created the Bishops’ Delegated Commission for Truth and Peace.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith notified the archdiocese of the Sept. 12 laicization of Cristián Precht Bañados.
Investigators seized documents from Concepción, Valparaíso, Chillán and Osorno last week.
Despite the sadness and pain, faithful Catholics are trying not to be shaken, and many say the laity must aid Catholic revitalization.
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