Results from Tag: 'all saints' day'
Make the Saints Your Best Friends: 4 Lessons I Learned From Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
‘I wanted to be like him — adventurous and loving, a person who would give my time and love to the poor and lonely. I wanted to bring people closer to Christ, just as he did.’
Saint Parades: Liturgical Living During Hallowtide
PHOTO ESSAY: How does your local parish, school or Catholic community celebrate our friends the saints?
On All Saints’ Day, Pope Francis Says Holiness Is ‘a Gift and a Journey’
After the recitation of the Angelus, the Pope noted that on Thursday he would be celebrating Mass at the nearby commonwealth war cemetery in Rome, in which are buried numerous soldiers who died in World War II.
What is the Process for Canonization? A Guide for All Saints’ Day
This process led to the first official papal canonization, that of Swiss bishop St. Ulric in 993, by Pope John XV.
Exorcists Correct 4 Errors About Ouija Boards, Tell You How to Protect Yourself on Halloween
‘Do not turn to mediums or wizards; do not seek them out, to be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.’ (Leviticus 19:31)
Here is What Pope Francis Is Doing for the Week of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days
For All Souls’ Day on Nov. 2, the Holy Father will continue his recent custom of holding a Mass at a cemetery to pray for the dead.
Four Ways to Celebrate ‘Holywins’ With Your Family on the Eve of All Saints
It’s customary for children to dress up as their favorite saints, to discuss the exemplary lives of the saints, and to remind children of the call to sainthood.
What Would Jesus’ Friends Do?
The saints can be models for holiness in the most concrete and practical of contexts.
Witness of the Saints: Los Angeles Cathedral Tapestries Reflect Holy Lives
The Church honors her saints on Nov. 1, All Saints’ Day, and reminds us that they can be powerful intercessors on our behalf as we journey toward heaven.