Spiritual Blindness, SSPX Personal Ordinariate, Spanish Civil War, French Revolution, & more...

The Best in Catholic Blogging

What Sins lead to Spiritual Blindness? - Reginaldus, New Theological Movement

Benedict XVI May Offer S.S.P.X. a Personal Ordinariate - Tancred, The Eponymous Flower

Confessions of a Former Contemporary Music Minister - April Yeager, Catholic Phoenix

Pope approves new ‘Blesseds’ from Spanish Civil War, French Revolution - Alan Holdren, Catholic News Agency

Faith-Based Filmmaking, Part One - Daniel McInerny, High Concepts

How Early can the Easter Vigil 2011 A.D. Begin? - Father John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say?

The Influential Economist Who Tried to Change Birth Control Teaching - Francis Phillips, Catholic Herald

A Standoff for Life? - Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority Report

Egypt’s Forgotten Coptic Christians - Angela Shanahan, MercatorNet

New Bishop for Maitland-Newcastle: Father William Wright - Kate Edwards, Australia Incognita

The Mysteries and Eastern Christianity - Carl Olson, Ignatius Insight Scoop

Blessed Clemens August Graf von Galen Contra Euthanasia - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

This will be a continuing series, Monday through Saturday twice a day, that I will be contributing for the National Catholic Register by www.ThePulp.it.