SCOTUS: Anti-Catholicism OK, Third Secret of Fatima, Waterboarding Debate, Black Elk, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

How the Sea Can Help You Pray - Doctor Peter Kreeft, The Integrated Catholic Life™

Black Elk: Lakota Holy Man, Catholic Catechist - Pat McNamara, Patheos/In Ages Past

Cardinal Bertone Offers Up More About the Third Secret of Fatima - Father John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say?

U.S. Supreme Court Says Anti-Catholicism Is Okay - The Catholic Knight

Catholic Social Thought and the 2012 Election - George Weigel, First Things/On The Square

Gender-Confused Kids Need Parents Who Think Straight - Mary Rice Hasson, MercatorNet

Jesus’ “Brothers” - Howard Kainz, The Catholic Thing

The Latin Mass is Banned and Altars are Ripped Out. . . - Richard Collins, Linen on the Hedgerow

Round-Up: The Catholic Blogosphere Speaks Out on Waterboarding - Lisa Graas

More Bin Laden Aftershocks - Mark P. Shea, Catholic and Enjoying It!

Osama bin Laden and 1848 A.D. - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

I do Not Normally Take Delight in the Death of a Fellow Human Being - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester

This will be a continuing series from Monday through Saturday twice a day, that I will be contributing for the National Catholic Register.  This will be very similar to what you see on