Saint Trading Cards, Black is the New Black, Was the Immaculate Conception Imposed?, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Saint Trading Cards! - Jeff Geerling, LOL Saints

Black is the New Black - Fr. Joe, Southern Fried Catholicism

Was the Immaculate Conception Imposed on Catholics in 1854? - Joe Heschmeyer, Shameless Popery

The New Protestants of the Catholic Faith - The Pulpit

Are You There God? It’s Me, Michelle - Michelle, Catholic Sistas

Gregorian Chant Has Pride of Place in Liturgy, Not Guitars - Fr. Z's Blog

The Mandate War: The Future of the U.S. is at Stake - George Weigel

Help a Young Lady to Wear a Habit - Giving is Habit Forming

Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose Obama HHS Mandate - Steven Ertelt, LifeNews

Same-Sex Marriage, Natural Law, & Christians - The Pulpit

How to Paint an Icon - Medical Matins

The Greatest of Pastoral Care - Kevin Symonds, Catholic Lane

94% of OB/Gyns Would Give Birth Control to Minor, Not Notify Parents - Patrick B. Craine, LifeSiteNews

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