JP2-Pope of Catholic Resurgence, Vatican Blogfest, Catholic Reaction to OBL's Death, and more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

God Makes Saints, Not The Church - Father Robert Barron, The Word on Fire Blog

Blessed John Paul II:  First Pope of the Catholic Resurgence - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

Cor Ad Cor Loquitur - Robert Royal, The Catholic Thing

Live From the First Ever Meeting Between the Vatican and the World’s Bloggers - A Reluctant Sinner

Saint Athanasius: A Pillar of the Church, Model of Orthodoxy in both East and West - Carl Olson, Ignatius Insight Scoop

A Proper Catholic Response to the Death of a Murderer - Michael Denton, The American Catholic

. . .the Vatican statement on Osama bin Laden’s death here. . .

. . .Father John Zuhlsdorf comments here. . .

The Catholic Blogosphere Reacts to Death of Osama bin Laden - Lisa Graas

Consort Profile: Empress Mathilde, Lady of the English - MadMonarchist, The Mad Monarchist

The Abolition of Marriage (Same-Sex Marriage) - Christopher Wolfe, Public Discourse

Trial Marriage On Trial (Problem of Cohabitation) - Paul Adams, MercatorNet

Australian Bishop Removed from Diocese for Heterodox Ideas - Father John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say

This will be a continuing series from Monday through Saturday twice a day, that I will be contributing for the National Catholic Register.  This will be very similar to what you see on