Is Catholicism Healthy or in Decline, Americans Oppose Contraceptive Coverage, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Poll: Americans Oppose Requiring Contraception Coverage 46%-39% - Thomas Peters, Catholic Vote/American Papist

Dr. Thomas Pink Weighs in on the Tradtitionalist Debate - David Werling, Ars Orandi

Is Catholicism in the America Healthy or in Decline? - John Norton, Our Sunday Visitor

If The Protestant Canon Were True - Devin Rose, St. Joseph’s Vanguard

Making an Idol Out of the Tenth Amendment - Hadley Arkes, The Catholic Thing

The Jesus Seminar and The Jesus People - Brent Stubbs, Almost Not Catholic

Polygamists Exploit Same-Sex Precedents - Joseph Backholm, Catholic Lane

. . . California Catholic Daily: ‘Marriage Equality’ for Polygamists? . . .

CDC: Large Increase in Syphilis Cases among Homosexual & Bisexual Men - J. Kryn,

Today, Parody.  Tomorrow, Protected Identity - Mark P. Shea, Catholic and Enjoying It!

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