A Traditional WYD, Existence of Order, Holding Hands, Modest Dress Code for Mass, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

A Different Kind of World Youth Day, Traditional!- Jeffrey A. Tucker, The Chant Café

Over 3,000 British Pilgrims set off for Madrid - Madeleine Teahan, Catholic Herald

Dumb Luck or Design? A Meditation on the Existence of Order - Msgr. Charles Pope, Archdiocese of Washington

I Want to Hold Your Hand - Anthony Buono, 6 Stone Jars

Marriage by God’s Standard - Sr. Lisa Marie Doty FDCC, Nunspeak

Tomb of St. Philip the Apostle - John Whitehead, Once I Was A Clever Boy

A Modest (Dress Code) Suggestion - Our Sunday Visitor

Doctrine & Policy: The Authentic Catholic Mind - Dr. Jeff Mirus, CatholicCulture.org/On the Culture

Why did Jesus Call the Canaanite Woman a “Dog”? - Fr. Ryan Erlenbush, The New Theological Movement

Why Are Modern Women Unhappy? - Joe Heschmeyer, Shameless Popery

Pornography and National Security - Jennifer S. Bryson, Public Discourse

The Totalitarian Temptation & the Redefinition of Marriage - Carl Olson, Ignatius Insight Scoop

Christian Facing Unemployment for Displaying Palm Cross - Christine Dhanagom, LifeSiteNews.com

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