The National Catholic Register's Clip-Out and Pass-On Guide for Advent—Week 2

Reason 1

The presence of sin can easily lead to depression and anxiety.

Step 1 Examine your conscience … using the Ten Commandments or an available guide.

Reason 2 Mortal sin, unconfessed, “causes exclusion from Christ's Kingdom and the eternal death of hell, for our freedom has the power to make choices forever, with no turning back” (Catechism, No. 1861).

Reason 3 As they leave the confessional, people smile a smile of freedom.

Step 2 You have the choice of facing the priest (if he offers the option) or speaking through a screen.

Step 3 There are no special words you need to say. Greet the priest, and tell him how long it has been since your last confession. If it's been a while, he'll help you.

Reason 4 You will grow in sincerity, humility and self-knowledge.

Reason 5 Because love means having to say you are sorry to the one you love.

Step 4 Be concise, clear, complete and contrite. You have to confess mortal sins and give a sense of how often. Don't be embarrassed. You're not going to tell the priest anything he hasn't already heard.

Reason 6 You shower to show respect for those around you. Cleansing your soul makes you better to be around, too!

Reason 7 Mother Teresa thought she had to go. Frequently.

Next Week: Return to Prayer

Reason 8 Hoping to convert on your deathbed? That's not very likely. Most likely, you will die as you lived.

Reason 9 It is itself a serious sin to go to Communion if you have serious sin on your soul and have not asked for forgiveness in confession.

Confession Definition

“For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must together be met: ‘Mortal sin is sin whose object is grave matter and which is also committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent’” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 1857).

Concerns & Answers

Can't I talk to God directly, not a priest, to get forgiveness?

Not according to the Bible. Read John 20:21-23; 2 Corinthians 2:10; and 2 Corinthians 5:18.

If God knows everything we do, then how come we have to go to confession?

You may know your younger brother broke your CD player, but wouldn't it be aggravating if he knew you knew, but still didn't say “I'm sorry?”

Doesn't God forgive no matter what?

If we think of sin as merely breaking rules, it is hard to & understand why God can't just “look the other way.” But sin is real; it hurts us and makes us distant from him—and unable to enter heaven. We can only be restored if we confess.

Confession just gives people the idea that it's all right to sin as long as you're sorry later.

If a man is confessing drunkenness while he has plans with his buddies to go barhopping and get drunk again the coming weekend, he can't be forgiven. He has to have decided to stop. Confession stops sins; it doesn't start them.

Step 5 The priest won't scold you. In fact, if you've had a tough confession, he'll show you extra care.

Reason 10 Don't be scared to death of confession. Be scared of death without confession.

Step 6 Then you'll make an act of contrition. Look in a prayer book for a longer one, or simply say: “Jesus, I am truly sorry for my sins and, with your grace, I will try to sin no more.”

Reason 11 Be strong. Face your sins, deal with them and move on.

Step 7 Do your penance right away, before leaving the church if possible.

Your penance won't be harsh.

Step 8 Christ has forgiven and forgotten your sins and the angels are having a party to celebrate.

Reason 12 Make sure there are no unpleasant surprises at your particular judgment or at the Final Judgment.

Reason 13 The priest will listen to your sins and will never tell a soul on pain of losing his soul. Priests even learn to forget what they hear.