Obama, Life and Vocations

Reflections on forthcoming Mass readings by Tom and April Hoopes.

Sunday, Jan. 18, is the second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B, Cycle I).

March for Life

Thursday, Jan. 22, is the March for Life. Meet at noon at the Washington, D.C., Mall.

We love the notice on the March for Life website noting that the march is two days after “the day of inauguration of our newly elected president. ... We shall be a large group of Americans bringing our prayers and our important, simple pro-life message to this new administration and new Congress. … [and] to all of our neighbors throughout our beloved America, including our feminist/abortionist neighbors.”


A Raisin in the Sun (1961) starring Sidney Poitier would be a great way to put this week’s presidential inauguration and Roe v. Wade anniversary in context, for adults and teens, at least (it touches on mature themes).

The black family at the center of the story tries to move out of an apartment and into a house in a white neighborhood — and faces opposition. The film can thus highlight the historic achievement of our first black president.

But the movie also includes a stirring defense of life by Momma when the story’s protagonist couple contemplates abortion. The film can also thus highlight the fact that the right to life is the fundamental civil right.


CatholicKidsGames.com sells The Priest Game.

Our family played The Priest Game on a recent game night and everyone enjoyed it. We aren’t easy to please with games, either. We highly recommend it as a learning tool to increase kids’ interest in the Mass.


First Samuel 3:3-10, 19; Psalm 40:2, 4, 7-10; First Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20; John 1:35-42

EPriest.com offers free homily packs for priests.

Our Take

NYPriest.com is a good place to see the great vocations video “Fishers of Men” and other videos.

WhyNotPriest.org features the dynamic new vocations video in five languages produced by the Legionaries of Christ.

This Sunday’s readings provide good advice for young people discerning a vocation:

1. Don’t ignore God. In the first reading, Samuel hears the voice of the Lord calling him and immediately answers, “Here I am,” even though it takes him a while to figure out what is happening. Young people today shouldn’t ignore the call of God, either; his voice won’t go away. Follow Samuel’s example: Go to a representative of the Church (diocesan vocation director or religious congregation) and test the call.

2. Don’t fear self-giving. The Psalm response is Samuel’s reply to God’s call. The Psalm describes a life of happiness — but not the life of happiness we imagine. Its happiness isn’t material prosperity but a healthy relationship with God.

3. Guard your purity. It can be difficult for young people to understand exactly why purity is important. Today’s second reading explains: Our bodies are extensions of Christ. They are meant to serve the Holy Spirit. Purity isn’t arbitrary obedience to “thou shall nots.” It’s a fundamental way we show God we’re his.

4. Come and see. The calling of the apostles in today’s Gospel reveals how vocations are born. We might expect this order of events: a) Disciples think religious life might suit them; b) They assess their skills to determine if they have what it takes; c) They check out a seminary or religious house and see if the lifestyle fits their personality. But that’s wrong.

Instead, the Gospel suggests this progression: a) Disciples recognize Christ (or God or morality) in a new way (“Behold, the Lamb of God!”); b) Christ (or the voice of their conscience) calls attention to the questions they have (“What are you looking for?”); c) They start to fall in love with God and desire intimacy with him (“Where are you staying?”); d) He invites them to his side to spend time getting to understand him more (“Come and see”).