Thursday Morning Edition

Obama Administration Ceases Defense of Natural, True Marriage - Father John Zuhlsdorf

...National Organization for Marriage Maggie Gallagher responds here...

...dissident Catholic Nancy Pelosi happy in destroying marriage here...

A Brief Response to Albany - Doctor Ed Peters, In the Light of the Law

Voluntary Association and Union Politics - Louie Glinzak, Acton Institute/PowerBlog

Arrest That Protestant Banker! - John Zmirak, InsideCatholic

Natural Law and Bearing False Witness - J. Budziszewski, Ignatius Insight

Catholic Courtship: When you Can’t Forget the Past - Anthony Buono, 6 Stone Jars

Prayers from the New Translation of the Missal - Father Philip Neri Powell O.P. Ph.D., DDMHA!

Modernist Schism Now Imminent! - The Catholic Knight

Generational Echoes - Randy Hain, The Integrated Catholic Life™

Integrity and Exceptionless Moral Norms - Robert George, Mirror of Justice

This will be a continuing series starting twice daily in March for the National Catholic Register by