Matthew Sewell

Matthew Sewell

Matthew Sewell is the author of the popular “Popes in a Year” daily email series and hosts The Popecast, a podcast about papal history. Matthew writes about intriguing stories from Church history, the messiness of the Christian life and (occasionally) insights into Catholicism through Denver Broncos football. By day, he works at Flocknote to help parishes and dioceses build a more connected Church. Matthew lives with his family in Spokane, Washington.

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Creation is Not Just God's Fidget Spinner

St. Peter wasn’t crucified upside down for some aloof God. St. Engratia didn’t have her side ripped open, St. Lucy her eyes plucked out, St. Lawrence his flesh grilled alive, or St. Matthew his skin flayed off for some meaningless existence. St. Maximilian Kolbe giving his life in place of another was a silly thing to do, if all the world is merely God’s fidget spinner.