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Iraq Hope

As President Obama begins to shift focus on Afghanistan in the war on terror, a new “Iraq Society” has sprung up among Catholics and others who volunteered to go to Iraq in various roles since 2003. Many continue to help Iraqis. 

Abortion Unites ‘Team of Rivals’

With Hillary Clinton nominated for the position of secretary of state, the Register takes a look at what a Clinton state department might mean for issues such as population control programs overseas and religious freedom.

Taxes to Kill Embryos

If Barack Obama reverses President Bush's executive order banning federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research, Catholics and other people of conscience may someday have to make difficult choices about treatment derived from killed embryos.

Hispanics To Protest Democrats

A group of Hispanics are planning a rally outside the Democratic National Convention in Denver this summer in order to bring attention to the fact that Hispanics want traditional marriage protected.