Assessing the Executive Order

A note from our publisher about the May 4 executive order on religious liberty.

(photo: EWTN)

I am greatly encouraged by the news, just as the latest issue of the Register was going to press, that President Donald Trump signed an executive order seeking to preserve and protect the religious liberty of our country’s citizens. (See story here.)

Our legal team is still assessing what this means for EWTN and the Register, which have waged a more-than-five-year legal battle with the federal government over the oppressive contraceptive and abortion mandate, but this move is a hopeful sign. In his May 4 announcement, President Trump instructed government agencies and lawyers to respect religious liberty and consider how to change the mandate to comply with applicable law. This aligns with the Supreme Court’s ruling of last year that sent several cases back to lower courts in order to work out a solution with the government.  I’m grateful that the president, who just completed his first 100 days in office, is honoring an election-campaign commitment to people of faith. This is an important first step in what will most likely be a carefully calculated process aimed to ensure that a full and permanent solution is achieved so that efforts to protect religious liberty aren’t derailed by endless legal challenges.

Please join me in praying that our government leaders will see this long process through to its completion.

God bless you!