‘Sacrosanctum Concilium’ and the Ongoing Need for Liturgical Reform
COMMENTARY: Does the Novus Ordo Missae fulfill the ultimate aims of the Second Vatican Council? And does it reflect the principles and directives put forward by the Council?
COMMENTARY: Does the Novus Ordo Missae fulfill the ultimate aims of the Second Vatican Council? And does it reflect the principles and directives put forward by the Council?
COMMENTARY: Chapter 3 of ‘Lumen Gentium’ marked a renewed awareness of the vital significance of bishops, priests and deacons in the Church.
COMMENTARY: Although the Second Vatican Council restored the diaconate to its permanent place within the hierarchy, its roots stretch back to apostolic times.
COMMENTARY: ‘People of God’ was an important way by which the Church could express herself as an institution rooted in the mystery of the Trinity, yet present and active in the world.
COMMENTARY: Reflections on Bishop James Conley and the Vatican’s recent document on the sacraments, liturgical renewal and the Eucharistic revival.
COMMENTARY: 2023 was a particular tumultuous year in the continuing debate over the proper interpretation of the Council.
COMMENTARY: A glimpse at the development of the constitution ‘Dei Verbum’ makes clear the role of Scripture and Tradition as the supreme rule of faith.
COMMENTARY: The Holy Father’s pilgrimage to Loreto and Assisi offers an important insight into the significance of the Council he initiated.
COMMENTARY: 11 Crucial Events Since the Council
COMMENTARY: Sixty years later, ‘Sacrosanctum Concilium’ remains a vital reference point.
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