The Strikingly Christian Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
COMMENTARY: Incorporating noteworthy contributions from Catholics, the Church of England provided a model to all Christians for how funerals ought to be conducted.
COMMENTARY: Incorporating noteworthy contributions from Catholics, the Church of England provided a model to all Christians for how funerals ought to be conducted.
The statement from Anglican leaders of 37 countries censured the U.S. branch for departing from the church’s traditional teaching of marriage ‘as between a man and a woman in faithful, lifelong union.’
Deep divides between member churches of the Anglican Communion, over homosexuality and other issues, could precipitate its breakup as early as this week.
Christians are joined by Muslim and atheist leading voices, and even actress Carrie Fisher, in denouncing the move by theaters to reject an ad depicting the ‘Our Father.’
Proponents, which included former Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey, argued the measure reflected a shift in public opinion on end-of-life care.
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