Results from Tag: 'July 29-August 11, 2012'
Gates Summit Raises Billions for Birth Control
Melinda Gates, the wife of billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates, led a $4-billion fundraising effort for contraceptives in the developing world.
Searching for Mandate Solutions
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops are keeping a close eye on several congressional bills that would protect conscience rights in the face of the HHS contraception mandate.
Flourishing Faith
The Catholic Church has been experiencing an explosive growth in the American South.
Nuns on the Bus vs. Bishops
The media campaign behind the 'Nuns on the Bus' effort raises questions.
Ethicists Approve ‘3-Parent Babies’
A banned in vitro fertilization technology that uses two women and one man to create embryos could soon be legalized following an endorsement from a group of six British ethicists.