Results from Tag: 'heaven'
Which Way Is Heaven?
J.R.R. Tolkien’s mystic west was inspired by the legendary voyage of St. Brendan, who sailed on a quest for a Paradise in the midst and mists of the ocean.
The Reality of Hell and Divine Mercy Sunday: ‘Enter Through the Narrow Gate’
COMMENTARY: Hell exists not despite God’s love but precisely because of it.
A Pair of Promissory Notes Signed by Christ
Here, it seems, is the flash point of the crisis we now face; indeed, we’ve been facing it for a very long time.
We Are Not at Home in the World
We are finite beings, but our longings are infinite, and we long for an infinite God who loves us infinitely.
These Saints Had Visions of Heaven and Hell and Revealed What They Saw
During their lifetimes, some saints were given a peek into the happiness of heaven and the horrors of hell.
You Were Made to Be Happy With God Forever in Heaven, Body and Soul
User’s Guide to Sunday, Nov. 6
‘Our Destination is Heaven:’ Pope Francis Speaks About Death
The Pope gave his weekly public audience in the Paul VI hall, where he noted that it would be his final catechesis on the theme of old age.
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time – The Number of the Saved
If you were the only person in the whole world in the whole of human history whom God needed to redeem, he would have sent his only-begotten Son.