Results from Tag: 'charter schools'

Oklahoma Supreme Court

Oklahoma Supreme Court Rules Against Catholic Charter School Proposal

In a dissent to the state high court’s majority opinion, Justice Dana Kuehn argued that St. Isidore’s would be a partner of the state, not a government entity, and thus the state denying funds to St. Isidore’s because it is religious would violate the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

St. Isidore would aim to serve 1,500 students online within Oklahoma by its fifth year of operation.

Oklahoma Board Rejects Initial Proposal for Catholic Charter School

The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, which aims to run the online school in partnership with the Diocese of Tulsa, will have the opportunity to resubmit its application after addressing the board’s concerns, and the board will have 30 days to approve or deny the revised application.