Vatican II on the Laity: A Groundbreaking Moment
COMMENTARY: The Council was a historical occasion in which the Church solemnly recognized the profound significance of the laity in its mission.
COMMENTARY: The Council was a historical occasion in which the Church solemnly recognized the profound significance of the laity in its mission.
COMMENTARY: The real story in the Hallow commercial is the power of lay apostolates, which are a key factor in the extraordinary vibrancy of the Church in the U.S.
French and Taiwanese couples join a Polish couple already serving as members of the dicastery for a total of three sets of spouses among the Vatican office’s 28 members, which include eight women.
Enabnit, an experienced fitness coach, talks about how the gym runs, how faith is incorporated into its mission, and what he hopes his members are taking away from being a part of this community.
COMMENTARY: The German Synodal Way is using the Holy Father’s arguments against him, with respect to the issue of who can preach homilies at Mass.
Lay Catholics and women religious will be voting members of the October 2023 Synod of Bishops, and while synodal officials dismiss talk of a ‘revolution,’ some canonists say it could alter the nature of the assembly.
‘The Lord wishes to spread His kingdom also by means of the laity, namely, a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love and peace.’ (Lumen Gentium, 36)
Cardinal Mario Grech, the secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, said the non-bishop participants — among them priests, religious, deacons, and laypeople — ‘are witnesses of the memory of the process, of the itinerary, of the discernment that began two years ago.’
Exorcists often call on the prayers, charisms and professional expertise of laypeople to help them in their ministry.
‘The laity, and especially women, need to be more valued in their human and spiritual skills and gifts for the life of parishes and dioceses.’
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