Do Not Be Anxious: Prayerful Tips for Maintaining Peace and Trust in God When Worries Weigh Us Down
COMMENTARY: Practical things Catholics can do to lighten the load when it comes to cumbersome anxiety, learning to put our trust in God.
COMMENTARY: Practical things Catholics can do to lighten the load when it comes to cumbersome anxiety, learning to put our trust in God.
COMMENTARY: These are not just stories from a long time ago. Jesus wants us to make them our own. He wants to relive the love story of his passion in us.
The Stations of the Cross Help Transform Our Hearts
COMMENTARY: St. Catherine of Siena was once confronted by God about the sin of judging people. Part VII of a series on moral relativism
COMMENTARY: We are called to worship God and unite all our works, joys and sufferings with Christ’s perfect act of self-giving love. And we do that most fully in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
COMMENTARY: Part V of a series on moral relativism
COMMENTARY: The modern notion of freedom supporting the relativistic outlook is simply the ability to make choices.
COMMENTARY: Part IV of a Register series on moral relativism.
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