What is The Pallium, 17th Century Martyr's Corpse Found in 20th Century, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

In New York, A (Temporary) Setback for Marriage - Thomas Peters, Catholic Vote/American Papist

. . .Matthew Archbold: “gay marriage” passes in New York State. . .

The Pallium, the Story of a Cloak - Andrea Tornielli, La Stampa/Vatican Insider

The 17th-Century Martyr Whose Corpse was Found in the 1920s - Catholic Herald

The Preferential Option for the Poor - R. R. Reno, First Things

Superb Bible Study on YouTube, Learning from a Great Teacher - Monsignor Charles Pope, Archdiocese of Washington

We’ve Lost that “Thinking” Feeling - Dennis Buonafede, The Integrated Catholic Life™

Is it Okay to Date Multiple People? - Anthony Buono, 6 Stone Jars

If Ad Writers Were Only Allowed To Marry! - LarryD

A Lutheran Pastor Shows the Need for the Catholic Church - Joe Heschmeyer, Shameless Popery

. . .Lisa Graas: The Tradition debate. . .

Delta Air Lines and the Jews (and Christians and women) - Mollie Ziegler, Get Religion

Book Review: Looking at the Non-Catholic Christian Problem with Authority - Anthony S. Layne, The Impractical Catholic

. . .Devin Rose: why a Protestant Is quoted the Most in my book. . .

For the latest round-up on the best punditry in the Catholic blogosphere go to ThePulp.it.