Interior Life of Prayer, Warren Carroll R.I.P., Rick Perry Pro-"Gay Marriage"?, and more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

The Interior Life of Prayer - Sister Timothy Marie O.C.D., The Integrated Catholic Life™

Dr. Warren H. Carroll, 79, Requiescat in Pace - Carl E. Olson, Ignatius Insight Scoop

. . . Cardinal Newman Society: Founder of Christendom College . . .

Rick Perry Approves of “Gay Marriage”? - Carson Holloway, Catholic Vote

Pope Benedict and Liturgical Beauty - Louie Glinzak, Acton Institute/PowerBlog

Pope Leo XIII and the Holy Rosary - Brent Stubbs, Almost Not Catholic

The Authority of Parents & Guardians in the Education of their Children - Catholic Education Resource Center/Catholic Civil Rights League

Guide for Examination of Conscience for Confession of Sins - A Simple Sinner, The Black Cordelias

Pregnancy as a Disease - Arland K. Nichols, H.L.I. America

. . . U.S. Bishops: “Pregnancy is Not a Disease” . . .

Unborn Children Heal Themselves in First Days of Life - Arland Nichols,

Catholics and Cussing - Donald R. McClarey

Obama Endorses Bill to Recognize “Gay Marriage” on Federal Level - Kathleen Gilbert,

. . . Obama ed. secretary pushes gay groups in public schools . . .

. . . Obama: administration most pro-gay in history . . .

. . . Only 2 GOP candidates sign marriage pledge, most reject . . .

. . . N.Y. Senator: My Priest Embraced Me After Voting for “Gay Marriage” . . .

Guiding Principles for Digital Shepherding - Father Stephen Cuyos M.S.C.

Does God Give the Gift of Faith to Some and Not to Others? - Dan Burke, Catholic Spiritual Direction

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