Interest Rates, Usury, Hans Kung, Valid Wine Mass, Shakespeare, Henry V, and much more...

The Best in Catholic Blogging

The Fall of the Christian West - Raymond Cardinal Burke D.D. J.C.D., Catholic Culture

Interest Rates, Usury, and the Council of Nicea - Taylor Marshall, Canterbury Tales

Pope Benedict XVI, Hans Kung and Catholicism’s Future - Doctor Samuel Gregg, Acton Institute/PowerBlog

Does God Lead People Out of the Church? - Mark Shea, National Catholic Register

Happy Meat-Eating Friday! (2011 A.D. Edition) - Jimmy Akin

What Sort of “Wine” is Valid for Mass? - Father John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say?

Mass Attendance Has Dropped, But Not as Much as We May Think - Monsignor Charles Pope, Archdiocese of Washington

To Hell With Hell - Patrick Archbold, Creative Minority Report

1943 A.D.: Night Falls over Europe - Father George W. Rutler, InsideCatholic

When I First Heard I Was a Dad - Brian Caulfield, Fathers for Good

Henry V, William Shakespeare and Just War - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

This will be a continuing series, Monday through Saturday twice a day, that I will be contributing for the National Catholic Register by