Quality Time Vs. Trouble

Facts of Life

A recent study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University has found that kids who either have at least $25 a week in spending money, are frequently bored or experience high levels of stress are far more likely to smoke, drink and take drugs. Common sense? Sure, but the study confirms that parents can play a big role in helping kids avoid troubled behavior by spending more time with them in activities like doing homework, going to the movies and playing miniature golf.

Register illustration by Tim Rauch

Pope Francis participates in Mass on the solemnity of Pentecost, May 19, 2024

Pope Francis on Pentecost: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Us Is Powerful

In his homily, Pope Francis explained how the Holy Spirit helps us to overcome sinful passions and then gently plants the seeds of virtue and helps them to grow. The Pope also recommended that people spend time praying in silence in Eucharistic adoration to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.