Father Owen's E-Mail

Father Owen Kearns LC, sent this e-mail to NCRegister.com’s e-mail list Thursday:

”We Won’t Go Away.” That was the bold title of a recent editorial we published in the National Catholic Register, where we steadfastly proclaimed to our fellow citizens:

“... you’ll see us shivering in the cold again this January for the March for Life. And you’ll see us next January, and the January after that and the January after that, until we wear you down at last and there’s no more reason to march.

“... we’ll be able to stand before God and say, ‘I defended the defenseless. I stood for the weak. My brothers and sisters couldn’t cry, ‘Stop,’ so I cried it for them. And I refused to go away.’”

Well, such a day is at hand. And the timing couldn’t be more poignant.

Just 48 hours after the historic inauguration of President Barack Obama, several hundred thousand pro-lifers are gathered in Washington DC today for the March to Life, in prayerful witness to the most important human rights issue of our time — the right to life.

(Don’t miss our editor, Tom Hoopes, live-blogging from the event at our website)

As Father Benedict Groeschel said during a television interview a few hours ago, “God brings good out of evil.” Throngs of pro-lifers, from every walk of life, marching and praying together — could this be anything other than the response of divine Providence to the tragedy of abortion?

But I must be frank. While as Catholics we know that, in Christ, the victory over evil is already won, the outlook for the years ahead is dark.

Because of Obama, longtime foes of the Church’s stands on many important issues are assuming positions of great influence in Washington and at the United Nations. Their actions will likely lead to…

... Hundreds of pro-abortion judges serving in our courts, at every level, and legislating from the bench.

... Funding for embryonic stem-cell research, and the destruction of human embryos.

... Government-subsidized human cloning, in the name of “medical advancement”

... Passage of FOCA — the “Freedom of Choice Act” — which will remove all restrictions on abortion at the state level.

... U.S. ratification of policies that will allow the United Nations to bully countries into liberalizing their abortion policies.

... Refunding of the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA), which helped set up and run the barbarous Chinese one-child policy.

I warned of these threats in a recent video message that kicked off an end-of-year fundraising drive for the National Catholic Register.

Many of you responded generously to that appeal, and for your support we are deeply grateful. But we are still short of our goal.

As I explain in the video, the cost of producing and delivering the news now overwhelms our revenues by an average of $6,000 per week. It’s just not possible to make ends meet on subscriptions and faith-based advertising alone. In these especially lean times, we depend on your generosity more than ever to make up that shortfall.

Contributions from supporters like you are our lifeblood. As this new administration tries to enact its agenda in 2009, we will need your support more than ever to fund the original reporting and investigative stories that are urgently needed.

Please click “Give Today” to make a donation to the Register now. (Your contribution is tax-deductible). Whatever amount you can contribute will be greatly appreciated.

You have my prayerful thanks for all you do to defend the most helpless and innocent in our society, the unborn.

God bless you.

Father Owen Kearns, LC
Publisher and Editor in Chief

P.S. Please don’t delay. Click here to make your tax deductible donation today!

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