World Youth Day Conversions

U.S. pilgrims at WYD 2008.
U.S. pilgrims at WYD 2008. (photo: CNS)

Cardinal George Pell of Sydney, Australia, says last year’s World Youth Day in his city has sparked a surge in conversions and vocations.

Cardinal Pell told the Italian bishops’ SIR news agency that “we are registering an increase in conversions, “ Zenit reported Jan. 7.

Said the cardinal, “A few days ago, one parish priest called me to tell me that 25 people, youth and adults, had decided to become Catholic.”

On the vocations front, Cardinal Pell said the number of Australian seminarians is increasing, with seven men entering Sydney’s seminary and eight men entering Melbourne’s seminary in February.

And demand continues for the catechesis that was offered in conjunction with World Youth Day, according to Cardinal Pell.

“Many continue to ask for it and in numerous parishes, it has become a regular event,” he said. “Youth don’t want to be told just what is good and what is bad, but rather they want to understand the doctrine of the Church regarding current topics.”

— Tom McFeely