Register Radio: Religious Liberty and Blogger's Favorite Books

Grace-Marie Turner and Jennifer Fulwiler

Today on Register Radio, Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute, a public policy research organization devoted to patient-centered health care, addressed the issue of religious liberty. Turner said that the Constitution’s protections for freedom of religion are being shredded and this can most clearly be seen through the requirements of the new health care law. “Catholic institutions will be forced to provide contraception, sterilization, abortifacients,” said Turner. She also addressed what’s meant by so-called waivers and exemptions. She described the law as “unconstitutional,” and encouraged listeners to share their concerns with elected officials, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and by voting to protect conscience and marriage in November.

In our second half, Dan Burke spoke with National Catholic Register blogger Jennifer Fulwiler about her recent post regarding Catholic blogger’s favorite books. Among them, they addressed some spiritual classics, such as “Abandonment to Divine Providence,” and the importance of fiction, such as Michael O’Brien’s “The Father’s Tale” - a kind of modern re-telling of the Prodigal Son story. They also both recommended a book which Fulwiler described as “a vital toolkit for the human person.” To find out what book that was, listen to today’s Register Radio. You can hear it live on any of EWTN’s affiliates at 2:00 p.m. EASTERN, or you can listen to it at the Register Radio web page, or EWTN’s podcast of the show.