Meditations on the Rosary: The Transfiguration

As amazing as it seems, the Voice that spoke to Peter, James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration still speaks out of the cloud to you and me every single time we listen to the readings from Scripture at Mass (especially the Gospel). As I meditate on this mystery, help me, Lord, to remember that the next time I go to Mass I will be standing in the same awesome, supernatural reality that they stood in as they beheld Elijah, Moses, and Jesus in Glory. The Glory is there at Mass just as surely as it was there that day. All the saints are worshiping God right there in the pew next to you just as surely as they were present and visible to the Apostles on that mountain. Every time I go to Mass, I am going to Heaven. For where the King of Heaven is, there is Heaven, and where the Eucharist is, there is the King.