SCOTUS: Anti-Catholicism OK, Third Secret of Fatima, Waterboarding Debate, Black Elk, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

How the Sea Can Help You Pray - Doctor Peter Kreeft, The Integrated Catholic Life™

Black Elk: Lakota Holy Man, Catholic Catechist - Pat McNamara, Patheos/In Ages Past

Cardinal Bertone Offers Up More About the Third Secret of Fatima - Father John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say?

U.S. Supreme Court Says Anti-Catholicism Is Okay - The Catholic Knight

Catholic Social Thought and the 2012 Election - George Weigel, First Things/On The Square

Gender-Confused Kids Need Parents Who Think Straight - Mary Rice Hasson, MercatorNet

Jesus’ “Brothers” - Howard Kainz, The Catholic Thing

The Latin Mass is Banned and Altars are Ripped Out. . . - Richard Collins, Linen on the Hedgerow

Round-Up: The Catholic Blogosphere Speaks Out on Waterboarding - Lisa Graas

More Bin Laden Aftershocks - Mark P. Shea, Catholic and Enjoying It!

Osama bin Laden and 1848 A.D. - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

I do Not Normally Take Delight in the Death of a Fellow Human Being - Jeff Miller, The Curt Jester

This will be a continuing series from Monday through Saturday twice a day, that I will be contributing for the National Catholic Register.  This will be very similar to what you see on

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The Francis Pontificate: A Double-Barreled Question

ANALYSIS: In a recent address, the Vatican secretary of state said there’s no going back from Pope Francis’ reforms. How does the...

Catholic Neonatologist Wins Award for Exemplary Medical Care of Most Fragile, Vulnerable Babies

Notre Dame’s de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture honors Dr. Elvira Parravicini, who tells moms and dads, ‘My mission is to save...

Notre Dame’s New Ethics Center Causes Controversy, Indicates Potential Catholic-Identity Clashes Ahead

Critics contend that the new Jenkins Center bypasses the already-established de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture — and may be...