
Photos: Live Nativities and Christmas Crèches From Around the World

Celebrating the Nativity of Our Lord Across the Globe

Editor's Note: Please click on the photo's arrow to peruse the images in our Nativity gallery. 

The Vatican unveiled its annual Nativity scene this Advent season, paying special tribute to the origins of the beloved tradition on its 800th anniversary.

The scene in St. Peter’s Square depicts not only Mary and Joseph standing beside the manger, but also St. Francis of Assisi, who organized the first Nativity scene in a cave in the Italian village of Greccio on Christmas Eve in 1223.

Please peruse these photos of crèches and live Nativity scenes from across the globe as we ready our hearts to celebrate the birth of our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Wishing you a blessed Advent and very merry Christmas! 

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