Trading in Bad Habits for Godlier Ones

Book Pick: Little Sins Mean a Lot: Kicking Our Bad Habits Before They Kick Us

Little Sins Mean a Lot: Kicking Our Bad Habits Before They Kick Us (2016, Our Sunday Visitor) is the second book I’ve read by Elizabeth Scalia, and it was no less mind-shattering for me than the first (Strange Gods, Ave Maria Press). The topics range from procrastination and gossip to self-neglect and passive aggression.

Though I don’t intend to procrastinate, Scalia challenged me with how often I do shove things off to another day, another hour, another minute. I think procrastination is a manifestation of fear that betrays our lack of trust. We believe God has plans for us but still put off doing what it takes to allow the plan to unfold, because we cannot perfectly control the outcome, or control how others will respond to our efforts, or even how we will respond to our own success or failure.

At the end of each chapter’s examination of the little-sin-that’s-really-not, Scalia has compiled a section with excerpts from the Catechism and quotes from saints regarding it. This book speaks to my life, as it is and as I struggle within it.

Sarah Reinhard blogs at


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