Prolife Victories

Free Speech

LIFENEWS.COM, Dec. 16 — A Denver woman can again display her pro-life signs in public.

A federal district judge Dec. 15 said police were wrong to ticket Wendy Faustin for displaying signs that read “Abortion Kills Children” above a freeway overpass.

Police had tried to stop Faustin at least four times, reported, and at one point thumbed through a manual in search of a law she might have broken. None was found.

Faustin had continued to carry her signs even while the case was in the courts and said police hadn't bothered her since the case was originally filed.

Teens Say 'No’

Dec. 23 — A record number of teen-agers are saying No to sex.

A survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released in mid-December showed the teen-age birthrate has declined 30% in 10 years to a historic low of 43 births per 1,000.

The paper cited education — including abstinence education — as one reason for the decline.

“I look at these declines as evidence teen-agers across the country are embracing the idea of abstinence until marriage,” Leslee Unruh, president and founder of the Abstinence Clearinghouse in Sioux Falls, S.D., told the paper. “Young people today want something more than just jumping into bed.”

Pro-Lifers Winning

THE WASHINGTON TIMES, Dec. 16 — Citing the passage of the partial-birth abortion ban as evidence, the newspaper declared in an editorial that pro-lifers are winning the battle against abortion.

More people than ever before consider themselves pro-life, the editorial stated, noting Gallup polls in the last 11 years showed those who said abortion should be “legal under any circumstances” dropped from 34% to 23%.

Pro-lifers drummed up more support in the public debate about partial-birth abortion, the editorial said, with images of the violent procedure shocking the public.

New ultrasound images of babies in the womb convinced the public even further, leading the editorial to conclude: “Pro-abortion strategists have lost the argument over whether a life is in fact a life before birth.”

Planned Protest

WORLDNETDAILY.COM, Dec. 23 — Pro-lifers were scheduled to protest Planned Parenthood's “Choice on Earth” greeting cards outside several offices Dec. 28, the feast of the Holy Innocents.

Picket signs with such phrases as “Planned Parenthood Kills Children” and “Planned Parenthood: Satan's Little Helpers” were to be displayed at the protests, according to a statement from the Christian Communication Network.

“Planned Parenthood is mocking the birth of Christ (Peace on Earth) by celebrating the abortion (Choice on Earth) of unborn babies,” the statement said. “This shows incredibly poor taste and ethics.”

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