Profile Victories

Happy Accidents

(Indiana), July 3 — Since the end of Januar y, 80 women in Fort Wayne, Ind., have mistaken the local pro-life Women's Care Center for the abortion site next door, Women's Health Organization. At least 30 have stayed.

Those women have spoken with counselors and perhaps changed their minds about having an abortion, Anne Koehl, coordinator and staff nurse for the Women's Care Center, told Fort Wayne News-Sentinel writer Kevin Leininger for his biweekly column.

Ser vices at the Women's Care Center are free — unlike ser vices from its next-door neighbor — and Koehl reports that 95% of the women who see and hear an ultrasound of the life inside them decide to have their babies.

Alabama and Women's Rights

(Alabama), July 8 — Beginning in August, Alabama abortion businesses will be required to provide women seeking abortions with medical information and alternatives to abortion.

The Women's Right to Know Act states that information must be provided 24 hours before a scheduled abortion, the Auburn Plainsman reported. Alabama Attorney General Troy King on July 5 announced that the act, which had been mired in a three-year legal battle with six abortion businesses, would now be implemented.

The act also mandates a 24-hour waiting period before a woman can undergo an abortion. And if a woman decides to keep her baby, the abortion business must give her the name of a doctor who can provide prenatal care.

Better Sense in Britain

(United Kingdom), July 10 — Pro-life members of Britain's Parliament are reviewing abortion laws in the countr y in an attempt to reduce the time limit for an abortion from 24 to 12 weeks' gestation.

Jim Dobbin, the Labor Party chairman of a pro-life parliamentar y group, said the recent pictures taken of 12-week-old fetuses “walking” in the womb is helping shift opinion among Parliament members, The Independent newspaper reported.

“I think the time is right now to start looking at this seriously,” Dobbin said. “People I would never have thought would move an inch on abortion are beginning to say it needs to be looked at.”

Resigned to Pro-Life Leverage

CYBERCAST NEWS SERVICE, July 9 — Two managers at an abortion business in Wichita, Kan., have quit their jobs, possibly because of tactics employed by the pro-life group Operation Rescue.

Operation Rescue West has pressured employees at the site, Cyber-cast News Ser vice reported. When the group learned a new manager, Rhonda Lipscomb, had been hired at Women's Health Ser vices in Wichita, members began telling her home neighbors about her job at the abortion business. A similar effort against Lipscomb's predecessor resulted in the manager's resignation after a month on the job. Lipscomb quit her job after three months.

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