Prepare for Lent With the Pope

TV Picks: 02.12.23

Ashes are a mark of the start of the penitential season.

 SUNDAY, Feb. 12, 2pm

Puppy Bowl XIX

ANIMAL PLANET Team Ruff and Team Fluff will frolic in this family-friendly alternative to pro football’s Super Bowl, complete with doggy halftime show. In this “contest” in a mini-stadium, rescued and shelter dogs will help publicize rescues, shelters and adoptions.


MONDAY, Feb. 12, 8pm

Curly Top

TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES The sweet charm that endeared child star Shirley Temple to Americans during the Depression still sparkles today. In this 1935 musical comedy, Shirley is an orphan who is adopted with her older sister. John Boles and Rochelle Hudson also star.


WEDNESDAY, Feb. 15, 9pm

Nova: Ancient Builders of the Amazon

PBS This new special says recent discoveries suggest the Amazon area was not solely wilderness as often thought but was actually home to civilizations of builders.


MONDAY, Feb. 20, 8pm


TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES Based on Robert J. Donovan’s 1961 book PT-109: John F. Kennedy in World War II, this June 1963 film portrays the August 1943 incident in the South Pacific in which Kennedy ensured his crew’s survival after a Japanese destroyer rammed their PT boat. Cliff Robertson is the future president.



Ash Wednesday

EWTN “Rend your hearts, not your garments…” (Joel 2:13). At 8am, the friars celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass at EWTN. (Re-airs 6:45pm, midnight.) At 10:30am, Pope Francis will celebrate Holy Mass With the Blessing and Imposition of the Ashes in Rome’s Basilica of St. Sabina. 


WEDNESDAY, Feb. 22, 3:30pm

American Mystic: The Rhoda Wise Story

EWTN Thanks to nursing sisters, the Servant of God Rhoda Wise (1888-1948) of Canton, Ohio, prayed the Rosary and loved the Sacred Heart and St. Thérèse of Lisieux before she converted in 1939. She had visions of Jesus and the Little Flower and received cures. She offered herself as a victim soul and received the stigmata and more visits from Jesus and St. Thérèse. Many visitors received cures, including her young friend Rita Rizzo, who became Mother Angelica and founded EWTN. Rhoda Wise’s canonization cause is underway.


THURSDAY, Feb. 23, 5:30pm

Vocation to the Priesthood

EWTN These interviews with priests, including some who serve in dangerous missions, provide insights into the priesthood and how God draws men to what has been called the most sublime of professions.


SATURDAY, Feb. 25, 2pm

Agnes of Bohemia

EWTN This 2017 docudrama depicts St. Agnes of Bohemia (1211-1282), who forsook privilege, became a Poor Clare and founded an order of knights to care for poor and sick people. TV-PG.



MONDAY, Feb. 27, 1:30pm

At Home with Jim and Joy

EWTN In this new “Jim and Joy Call-In Show” episode, the Pintos will answer viewers’ inquiries.

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