Letters 11.08.20

Readers respond to Register articles.

Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions. (Photo: NCRegister.com)

Sowing Confusion

This letter is being written with a heavy heart, in the aftermath of the release of Pope Francis’ statement encouraging laws to recognize same-sex civil unions. Our faith informs us that we are called by Christ to love everyone unconditionally, and the Catechism affirms that everyone must be treated with dignity, regardless of the sins with which they struggle. 

However, both sacred Scripture and the Catechism warn us that we are never to approve or encourage sin. Homosexual acts are among the gravest sins, described in sacred Scripture as an abomination, unnatural, shameful, perverse, improper, wicked, evil, degrading, godless, unholy and profane. It is such a terrible sin that it is one of the four sins specifically identified that “cry out to heaven for vengeance.” In his encyclical Veritatis Spendor, Pope St. John Paul II observed that the separation of faith from morality “represents one of the most acute pastoral concerns of the Church amid today’s growing secularism.” Compared to his 265 predecessors, Pope Francis appears to have a very different understanding of what it means to be “pastoral” to those struggling with sin.

Faithful Catholics are waking up today asking many questions. Since same-sex couples in civil unions are not living chaste lives, did Pope Francis offer implicit approval and encouragement for manifest grave sin? 

Jesus Christ proclaimed that God’s word is the truth that leads us to holiness. Is the word of God and 2,000 years of Church wisdom on the matter now invalid? 

Jesus Christ shows us the value of redemptive suffering and that the salvation of souls is the highest law. Is the pursuit of pleasure and alleviation of suffering (by definition, hedonism) now more important than salvation? 

Jesus Christ tells us to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow him. Is it now more important to affirm ourselves, lay down our crosses and follow our desires?

May all of the faithful pray the Rosary, pray for our Church, pray for the Pope, and pray that all are led to remain in Christ … which Jesus tells us we do by following the Commandments.

 Stephen P. Osvath

 Medina, Ohio


Worthwhile Reminder

Probably most of you reading this letter have heard of Mother Angelica, who founded EWTN. What she had to say 20 years ago has much relevance for all of us who were planning to vote this year.

“We must be very careful when we vote,” she warned. She, herself, prioritized life over every other consideration. “I’m not going to vote for candidates,” she said, just prior to the 2000 election. “I vote for life, because the culture of death is an abomination to God.”

So, too, when we vote in any election, let us follow Mother’s example by voting pro-life; that is, by voting for those with the moral courage to put principle before party by standing up, speaking out and voting for life.

 Richard A. Carey

 Needham, Massachusetts


Likes and Dislikes

In the Aug. 2 edition, there are a couple of things I agree with and don’t agree with. 

I thought your article on destruction of Catholic religious property was excellent. I wish you would have had pictures of each. Your article on the cancel culture was very good. 

Your article on capital punishment was terrible. At the same time, you give credit by naming the biggest four judges on the Supreme Court who would kill every baby possible in your article on capital punishment. I find the Nuns on the Bus are more worried about persons who commit heinous crimes than babies being killed. So was that article. 

One other matter: Please tell me how the voucher system will work without having the child changing school to school every five minutes. One other matter: We enjoy articles on Cardinal George Pell. 

 William O’Keefe

 Seneca, Kansas


Post-Election America

Relevant to the Register’s excellent ongoing election coverage: Thank you to Michael Warsaw for his insightful Publisher’s Notes.

I need to add: What kind of nation do we want post-election? A godless country where unborn children are killed without restriction? Greater restraints on accessibility to religious worship than shopping? Freedom of speech constrained by secular humanists?

Thank you to the bishops and priests who have spoken out publicly to condemn abortion and advocate for pro-life voting to protect babies in the womb and who have invoked the Trinity and the Blessed Mother’s help in leading America in prayer.

 Patrick Kunklier

 Fairlawn, Ohio





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