Keeping God in Our Lives

Book Pick: He Spoke to Us

He Spoke to Us

Discerning God in People and Events

By Father George Rutler

Ignatius Press, 2016

219 pages, $17.95

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In this work, Father George Rutler approaches from many angles the idea of God making himself known to us through the events of our lives.

In his “day job,” Father Rutler is pastor of a parish in the Hell’s Kitchen area of Manhattan. However, he is also a popular preacher and prolific writer (with 19 books now to his credit) and has gained an international audience through many EWTN series. He holds degrees from Dartmouth, Johns Hopkins, the Angelicum in Rome and Oxford, certainly giving him the academic credentials to qualify him for the acme of Catholic thinking.

Employing his extraordinary breadth of knowledge, Father Rutler has the knack of summoning facts and dates from what would seem to be the peripheries of his subject matter to unexpectedly illuminate what he is talking about.

His memory is prodigious, and his interests both broad and deep. He knows a number of languages, paints, plays the violin and boxes.

With all those talents and attainments, he presents with great clarity all of the information he weaves into a discussion: It is hard to think of anyone else who can speak so clearly to all sectors of society.

His current book is introduced by fellow Catholic man of letters Edward Short.

What then follows is a diverse and sparkling assortment of essays on topics ranging from philosophy, theology and history to biography, travel and art.

The essay titles include “The Case of Mrs. Jesus,” “The Awkwardness of Advent,” “The Shores of Tripoli,” “Speaking Well of the Dead,” “Pope Benedict’s Decision,” “Laughing With Caesar: Religious Freedom,” “The Priest Who Invented the Automobile” and “Serenity in Storms.”

Father Rutler brings wisdom, judgment and clear purpose.

Consider this:

“In his last Angelus address, Benedict XVI said that he is now going up the mountain as did Peter, James and John, and there he will pray. He knows that at the foot of the mountain are all kinds of noise and foaming, and these are the growls of the Prince of Darkness paying the Church a tribute he pays to no other reality: his hatred. While he mocks men and scorns their pretensions, he reserves his bitterness for the Church, which is the only thing he fears in this world.”

I know Father Rutler personally and recommend you visit the Church of St. Michael to hear him speak from the pulpit. In any event, get this book and then explore some of the other 18 books penned by this prolific priest — they are great works for both your own enlightenment and for the New Evangelization.

Opus Dei Father C.J. McCloskey is an author of several books.

He has hosted or appeared on a number of television shows,

both in Catholic and secular media.

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