Babies in the Womb

Facts of Life

A pro-life message was shared in a post, “The Secret Lives of Babies,” July 31 — and an accompanying segment on the show.

“Everything that a newborn baby does, a fetus has pretty much done already,” said Dr. Bill Fifer, a professor of psychiatry at Columbia University and a leading expert on fetal and newborn learning. “They’re exquisitely able to sense information over all parts of their body, although some are more sensitive than others, like around the mouth, around the feet, around the hands.” also shared an interesting finding about the unborn and stories: “Babies appear to recognize nursery rhymes even before they are born, according to a recent study published in the journal Infant Behavior and Development. University of Florida researchers asked pregnant women in their third trimester to read classic verses to their bellies twice a day for several weeks. In utero, the baby’s heart rate slowed when the rhyme was read by Mom.”

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