This Issue

I wanted to bring your attention to some of the excellent content in this week’s issue of the Register.

n News. First of all, we bring you an excellent overview of the bishops’ annual meeting that took place this year in Baltimore. You will hear different reports in the news about what was accomplished there. We hope that the Register’s coverage will help you sift through it all and see what actually happened. We also bring you to the Pope’s side to show you what to expect when new cardinals are created on Christ the King weekend.

n Apostles. The Catholic faith only works when it is unleashed and allowed to affect the world we live in. In this week’s Inperson interview, we bring you another example of a Catholic who brings the Church’s teaching to the streets: Sister Eugenia Bonetti, who battles human trafficking. But we also introduce you on our education page to Maryanne Wolf, a professor of child development at Tufts University, who has a more intellectual mission.

n Faith aids. This issue of the Register is also distinguished by a number of aids for your own faith life. On page 1, Joseph Pronechen describes different Scripture study programs that are available. The Culture of Life section recommends quality books for children. And the back of the Culture of Life section gives you the materials you need to make the most out of the Advent Jesse Tree suggestions we made in a previous issue, and which you can access online. (At, click on “Resources” then “Jesse Tree Craft Swap.”)

If you think about it, those are the three elements that make up the Register’s contribution to your family. We bring you the news with a Catholic perspective, we present you the examples of apostles for the Catholic faith, and, as a kind of “significant sideline,” we also offer aids that can directly help improve your faith life.

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