These 40 Days of Lent

Publisher's Note

Wednesday begins our Lenten journey to Easter. In this issue, you’ll find several ways to draw inspiration:

— Joe Pronechen’s “Culture of Life” feature on how the spiritual works of mercy can enhance a person’s path to holiness;

— Father Dwight Longenecker’s “In Depth” essay on the price of mercy, as it relates to this season of prayer, penitence and almsgiving;

— Film critic Steven Greydanus’ film recommendations for Lent and the Jubilee of Mercy in “Arts & Entertainment”; and

— Sophia Feingold’s page-one story on the March for Life and its aftermath, where students, priests and other pro-life pilgrims who were stranded on the Pennsylvania Turnpike on their way home from Washington thanked God for their safety and celebrated Mass on an altar of snow.

We also have Pope Francis’ Message for Lent (“It Is Mercy I Desire, Not Sacrifice”) on Vatican page 10.

My prayer for you in these coming 40 days is that you make Lent a special time of growth, as our troubled world needs more thoughtful, prayerful, effective and loving Catholics to radiate Christ and his message of hope and life.

God bless you, and may you have a fruitful Lent!

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