The Greatest Weapon

Publisher's Note

Dear readers, it is easy to curse the darkness as we watch tragic events continue to unfold for Christians at the hands of radical Muslims of the Islamic State in Iraq, Hamas in Israel and Gaza and Boko Haram in Nigeria.

Outrage and vengeance might be our natural first response to these injustices, as it was with James and John, who wished to rain fire and brimstone down on the Samaritans who rejected Christ; yet, our Church leaders, following Christ’s model, show us another way. Before anyone else has acted, they have led with the most powerful weapon at our disposal: prayer.

Bishops across the world, taking their cue from Pope Francis, have held prayer vigils for our beleaguered brothers and sisters, who are in some cases paying the ultimate price for their faith. In addition, unofficial prayer vigils and novenas are being offered in homes and in churches every day. That is the best way to combat objective evil such as this.

Those prayers, along with material support, especially through the work of the Knights of Columbus, who are matching donations pledged to aid these people, make a powerful antidote to evil. (See story on page 2.)

Let us all continue to pray for an end to this madness.

God bless you!

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