The Empty Tomb

Publisher's Note

The wait is over. The journey that began in the solemnity of Ash Wednesday culminates today in the jubilation of Easter.

This issue of the Register reflects that tone in our page-one stories and editorials on Pope Benedict’s momentous apostolic voyage to Mexico and Cuba. The people who came into contact with the Holy Father were changed forever, and — as our reports and photos attest — the Pope was genuinely touched by the faith of the people there as well.

The governments of those countries have had contentious relationships with the Church over the years, from forces of secular modernism in Mexico to atheistic communism in Cuba. Yet the Holy Father — by simply radiating the love of the risen Christ — was able to show them the Hope that does not disappoint.

The hope we share is reflected in the following Easter prayer written by St. Hippolytus of Rome, a third-century theologian and martyr:

Christ is risen: The world below lies desolate.

Christ is risen: The spirits of evil are fallen.

Christ is risen: The angels of God are rejoicing.

Christ is risen: The tombs of the dead are empty

Christ is risen indeed from the dead, the first of the sleepers.

Glory and power are his forever and ever. Amen.

On behalf of the Register staff, I wish you a blessed Easter.

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