The Catholic Candidate

Regarding “A New Kennedy?” (Feb. 15-21): Again we have alleged Catholics claiming to be in union with the Church while they support the murder of unborn children. Most of those politicians use the same excuse and get away with it because their parish priests and their bishops allow this to happen and in many cases even support them. In this case, where is the bishop of Massachusetts? Is it any wonder that non-Catholics are being skeptical about Catholics? Some of these pro-abortion Catholics receive the Eucharist regularly and even are Eucharistic ministers.

Abortions in the United States would end abruptly if bishops were not cowards, or worse, and disallowed participation in the sacraments by anyone who supports murder (abortion) and emphasized the teaching of the Church that says to support a mortal sin is also to be guilty of that sin. How can a person committing the sin of supporting abortion, without any intent to cease this activity, be allowed access to the sacraments? Cannot the bishops see that failing to stand against this sin makes them also guilty of it?

LARRY CIEJKA Meridian, Idaho

Thanks for your recent excellent article on Sen. John Kerry pointing out the chasm between his beliefs and voting record on one hand and Catholic teaching on abortion on the other.

While it amazes me that any self-described Catholic can advocate publicly in favor of the intentional killing of innocent children, I am more astonished that someone employed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (the Ono Ekeh you quote) would endorse such a politician. That Mr. Ekeh's support extends to operating a “Catholics for Kerry” Web site must please Catholics for a Free Choice no end.

DAN HICKS Washington, D.C.

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