So Long, Comfort Zone

When the going gets tough, the determined step out of their comfort zones and try new things. I’m determined to do all I can to help the Register through the rough financial patch it’s in, so look for me on doing something well outside my comfort zone: appealing directly to readers for their assistance.

This is the second video I’ve done as part of my stepped-up fundraising duties. (If the video is not up by the time you read this, it will be soon after.) I couldn’t have foreseen this kind of work when I answered God’s call to the priesthood, but then I didn’t know publishing was in my future, either. The Lord is full of surprises.

And so is the journalism business lately. The Register has plenty of company among traditional print publishers struggling to grow in a new-media world. Most experts agree that, even for secular, general-interest outlets, fundraising will need to augment revenue streams provided by subscription payments and advertising sales.

The Register has an advantage over many other media organizations: Register readers. As I step outside my comfort zone this time around, I pray that many of you will tell me — by your prayers as well as your gifts — that you’re willing to step with me.

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